JeffersonPurifier-GuardsstillrefusetoallowaccesstoseehowthePurifierworks.Theysayit's to prevent sabotage, but I think they aren'tentirelycertain.
Justshippedoutanothercrateofsurvivalguides,andthecaravansjustcan't seem to get enough of them. Sheriff Simms says they'vereallyputMegatononthemap—prettyironic,sinceI've had to redraw that map about a million times since the first edition came out 20 years ago. At least all the attention means there'snoshortageofassistants,butI'm never getting another assistant like the Lone Wanderer who stumbled into my shop so long ago.
JustabouteveryoneintheCapitalWastelandhasastoryabouttheLoneWanderer,eventhoughpreciousfeweverreallyknewhim.Butthatdoesn't stop them from telling crazy tall tales about how he saved their lives, or blew up a mountain, or ate a car or something. Heck, if you get Simms drunk, he'lltellyouthathisdaddiedbecauseoftheWanderer,eventhoughhesavedthetown.Peoplecan't even agree on whether the Wanderer was a man or a woman, much less a saint or a monster. But they all agree on one thing: the Lone Wanderer changed the Capital Wasteland.
Ofcourse,that's why I'mworkingonthenewbook,compilingthebestandmostusefultalesoftheLoneWandererforthenextgeneration.It's not easy sorting out all the conflicting stories, but that'llbehalfofthefunforthereaders.Moreimportantly,betweenallofthosecrazystoriesofbravery,barbarity,andeverythingin-between,wecanallfindareasontokeeponfightingourwarforsurvival.
'Nuka Cola - Quantum Progress Report 0041':"""Isotope CE770 has proven to be a disastrous failure. All of the test subjects suffered severe internal organ failures and died within three days of ingestion. We recommend the immediate destruction of container A32 in the production rooms and suggest switching to isotope CE772. Please send standard "Nuka Condolences" Fruit and Cheese Packages to test group member's families.""",
'Nuka Cola - Quantum Progress Report 0055':"Isotope CE772 has proven too damaging to the initial test group which now needs to be disbanded due to their reluctance to continue in our program. This group has suffered 4 fatalities, 12 major internal organ failures and 32 internal radiation burns. This is an unacceptable number of issues in a given test group and recommend we switch to an alternate isotope (such as CE774 or UR993).",
'Nuka Cola - Quantum Progress Report 0067':"Test subjects in the Nuka-Cola Quantum program are responding well to the reconfigured taste and the new isotope. The only listed side effects from the group are: 3 cases of dizziness, 1 case of nausea and 1 case of impaired vision. We find from a sampling of 50 that this is an acceptable number of cases and approve this product for production.",
'Nuka Cola - Company Announcement':"The Nuka-Cola Corporation is pleased to announce to all it's employees that the first shipments of our Nuka-Cola Quantum® are on their way to retailers in the Washington D.C. area! This flagship test market program is the culmination of a three year research program to bring the refreshing taste of Quantum to market. Congratulations to all employees on a job well done!",
'Nuka Cola - New Flavor Coming!':"""Attention all Nuka-Cola Corporation Employees
WeareveryproudtoannouncethatR&DhasbeencompletedonNuka-ColaClear!Withanonlyminimallossoflife,we've been able to modify the look of Nuka-Cola but give it the same great taste. We will be submitting the product to Marketing shortly for bottle design and advertising strategies. From all of us in the Research Department, thanks for the support!""",
'Nuka Cola - From: Marketing':"""The following locations have been accepted into the flagship Nuka-Cola Quantum test program. Please ensure that 1 (one) crate of Quantum is included with their regular deliveries along with the advertising package provided by our Marketing Department.
'Nuka Cola - Packing Line Instructions':"""Welcome to the Nuka-Cola Packing Line Operator's Station! You are now instrumental in getting Nuka-Cola from our factory and to the public, so please read the simple instructions below. If you need assistance, please call x347 and ask for your Line Supervisor.
'Nuka Cola - Stage One':"""Stage One of the Nuka-Cola Quantum marketing will include: 2 (two) 15 (fifteen)-second television commercials, 4 (four) 10 (ten)-second radio commercials and a highway billboard campaign.
ThespotsonTVandradiowillteasetheconsumerwiththeblueglowofthenewdrink,nevershowingthebottleinanilluminatedenvironment.Thebillboardwillshowthebottle's blue silhouette on a black background.
Thetaglinewillbe"Try something new... Go Blue!".ThenamewillnotberevealeduntilStageTwo.""",
'Nuka Cola - Stage Two':"""Stage Two of the Nuka-Cola Quantum marketing will include: 2 (two) 30 (thirty)-second television commercials, 4 (four) 15 (fifteen)-second radio commercials and a highway billboard campaign.
'Nuka Cola - Stage Three':"""Stage Three of the Nuka-Cola Quantum marketing will include: 4 (four) 30 (thirty)-second television commercials, 4 (four) 15 (fifteen)-second radio commercials and a highway billboard campaign.
Inthisfinalstagewewillaggressivelycomparethedrinktoothercompetitorsandshowtheirinferiorityusinghiredactorsat"taste tests".Theactorswillreadpre-writtenscriptsapprovedbyourdepartment.Thetextshouldgiveanauthentic"on the spot"impressionbutstillclearlypointoutQuantum's strengths.
Thetaglinewillremain:"Take the leap... enjoy a Quantum!"""",
Nored-bloodedAmericancaneverforgetthatterriblewinterof2066,whenChairmanCheng's commie cutthroats mercilessly invaded the icy extension of the United States, in an unprecedented act of foreign aggression that sent shockwaves all the way back to our nation'sCapital.
"Okay, Americans are hungry. We get it. Well I've got news for you - things are tough all over, people. The President himself has been forced to substitute cube steak for his nightly prime rib, and the only wine available is a detestable Chateau Montrose 2043. But does he whine? Does he take to the streets like a rabid Red? So please, good people, please. Wait in line. Get your food. And then go home. We're Americans! We do not solve our problems with violence."""",
TensionswithourneighbortothenorthhaveonlyescalatedsincethenastheUnitedStateshasfounditselfrelyingheavilyonCanada's natural resources - including wood cultivated from the country'sgreatTimberlandforests-tomaintainthewareffortagainstChina.
"That was the last straw,"saidBuzzBabcock,commanderofU.S.forcesinCanada."You know what's been stopping the Reds from pouring into downtown Juneau? American soldiers, that's what. And now we've got to worry about someone - Chinese, Alaskan, or otherwise - taking out the pipeline? I don't think so. Effectively immediately, United States troops are beginning a complete takeover of all Canadian assets and resources. Little America is ours. But let's face it - it always has been."""",
SpeakingatanArmypressconferenceatthePentagon,GeneralConstantineChasestated:"No more secrets. The time has come to lay all our cards on the table, so the Chinese can see with their own eyes that we've got the winning hand. The United States Army is proud to announce that for the first time in history, General Atomics International and RobCo have joined forces to create for this great country a super weapon that will leave every single yellow-bellied Red shaking in their Commie booties."
Unfortunatelyforourreaders,that's as specific as Chase is willing to get. While he and the Army are ready for China to know the U.S. is developing a new weapon, they'renotquitereadytodivulgejustwhatitis,orwhenitwillbereadyfordeployment.
"All in due time, all in due time. Rest assured, when this weapon is complete, liberty will come to Anchorage... and Hell will follow."""",
InasomberpressconferenceattheUnitedNationsbuildinginNewYorkCity,UnitedNationspresidentSakugamaOkirihadthistosay:"It is a sad day for the United States. Sadder still for the world. An era of relative peace and prosperity has come to a tragic end. The Resources Wars are upon us, and in my humble opinion the United Nations is needed now more than ever. Sadly, the world disagrees."
Thosenationsthathavenotalreadymovedoutoftheimmenseheadquarterswillhavecompletelyvacatedthepremisesbytheendoftheweek.Severalorganizationshavealreadybegunbiddingontheprimerealestate,butchildren's toy retailer Bumbalo'sseemsdeterminedtotransformthebuildingintotheirnewEastCoastsuperstore.""",
WhatAmericanchildalivehasn't heard the story of the Pint-Sized Slasher, that diminutive demon in a clown mask who stalks and slashes the innocent residents of supposedly safe suburbia? It'sjustoneofthemanyfolkstoriesparentsusetoscaretheiryoungstersintobehavingthemselves.Orisit?
AccordingtoGermantownpolicechiefJosephField,thePint-SizedSlashermaybemorerealthanmanypeoplewouldliketoadmit."After reviewing the autopsy results of the Linden Street slayings, we have confirmed that the force and direction of every knife wound are consistent with an attack from a much smaller assailant. A child, to be precise."
AddtothesinisterforensicfindingsthisstatementfromChristopherAtkinson,theonesurvivingvictimoftheadolescentassassin,anditbecomesclearthatthePint-SizedSlasherdoesindeedwalkamongus:"The clown! The clown! He's going to kill us all, do you understand me? He stabbed my brother Shaun right in the face! He killed my brother! The little clown!"
'Robot Repair Center - Note From Frank':"""I can't take it anymore, Bob. I don't trust those turrets in Sector A. I swear I saw one track me the other day when I left work a little late. If that thing opens up on me, I'm screwed, since the bastard Feds suspended workman's comp as part of the "war effort." Hell.
SnakehelpedmesmuggleinsomepulsegrenadesthatIlockedawayintheboxundermydesk.ItriedoneoutonourHandyatthehouseandthemissusnearlykilledme!Knocks'em out like a light. If you ever need one just grab the key from behind my terminal and use it to unlock the box. You can'tsayIneverdidanythingforyou!Seeyouaroundbuddy.
'Robot Repair Center - Note from Management regarding Sector B':"""<MEMO>
PleasemakesurethemainplatformintheRepairSectorisproperlyraisedbeforereleasingtherepairedbotsfromtheirpods.Allunitsreceivefimwareprogrammingtomaketheirwaytothemainentranceandawaitpickup.Let's get them there safely and not repeat last week'saccidentinvolvingaProtectronfallingtothelowerlevel.Thaterrorcostustime,money,andwasanembarrassmenttothecompanyandourDCTAaccountclient.
Asstandardpolicy,allemployeesarerequiredtocarrylow-grademilitary-classweaponryatalltimes(seeHRPolicy#A12). In the event of a hostile takeover, your desk can be used as a makeshift barricade. Position the desk between yourself and your opponent, then crouch behind the desk while firing any weapon approved on Form B43-2.
Allemployeesaretaskedwithbarricadingthemaindoors,andwillbefurthertaskedwithkeepingthebuildingsecureduntil5:00PM,oruntiltheChiefofSecurityenactsprotocol#T81. The usual lunch break will be suspended for that day.""",
Intheeventofextremewinter(nuclear)conditions,allemployeesarerequiredtoproceedtohumanresourcesandcompleteformsD87-a,D87-b,H04-1,andA14-3,addendum7.Inaccordancewithcompanypolicy#L83, employees will be issued iodine tablets, personal geiger counter, meal rations, and sworn into the sovereign L.O.B. republic.""",
Inlightofincreasedagitationfromtherebelelements,Ihavecometotheconclusionthatwecannolongeraffordtobemercifultothisscum.Whilesomemayholdouthopeforapeacefulresolution,it's only a matter of time before they decide to take the fight to us. Or, worse yet, our families.
Iproposeamidnightraidintotheircompound-liveammo,zerotolerance.Makeanexampleofthefirsttwowhofightback,andtherestwillfallinline.Wemayloseakidortwo,butwe'll save the Vault as a whole, and that'swhatcounts.
This'll show those scum what happens when you step out of line in our Vault.""",
'Vault 101 - Report 2241-02-10':"""As our tests suggested, the immediate vicinity of the vault is no longer dangerously irradiated, although the background radiation is still well above safe levels. Pockets of more intense radiation appear to still be common, and all surface water seems to be undrinkable. We will need to carry ample supplies of Rad-X with us on all future surveys. But hazard suits do not seem to be necessary for general exploration.
WeencounteredagroupofmonstrousantswhichappearedtoconfirmMackay's theories of mutation due to extended exposure to radiation. We drove off the ants with gunfire and collected several specimens for study upon return to the vault (see Exhibit A).
'Vault 101 - Attachment A':"Vault 101 will not receive a G.E.C.K. module, and should operate under the guidelines laid forth in the Overseer's sealed orders.",
'Vault 101 - Vault-Tec Scientific Entry: The G.E.C.K.':"""The G.E.C.K. is, quite simply, the most advanced piece of technology ever developed by Vault-Tec -- a terraforming module capability of creating life from complete lifelessness.
'Vault 101 - External Contact Report':"""The Vault recently received unexpected radio contact over the governmental Vault-Tec frequency, from an organization calling itself "The Enclave."
GovernmentalcodesarevalidaccordingtotheVault's ancient records, and The Enclave put forth an offer of amnesty and unity with the official remnants of the American government, in exchange for access to the Vault and its data stores. They claim that our Vault passwords no longer match their records, preventing them from extending their offer in person.
Afterbriefnegotiation,Ihaverefusedentrancetothis"Enclave."IcannottrustmyVaultanditsinhabitantstoanunknownfactor,muchlessonethatwouldsogallantlysuggestabandoningourvault's great mission.