# Firepup650 Package containing various shorthand things I use, and a few imports I almost always use ### Change log: #### v.1.0.43: Called the error the wrong thing #### v.1.0.42: Small typo fix (`stackLevel` -> `stacklevel`) #### v.1.0.41: Windows "Support" #### v.1.0.40: Add offset mapping all the way up to 10 Billion, which exceeds the integer limit. #### v.1.0.39: Add offset mappings for exceeding 1 Million options, new limit is 10 Million options #### v.1.0.38: Mappings for much larger menu sizes, hopefully no one should ever hit that limit. #### v.1.0.37: Upgrades to gp and gh, they now function as stand-alone prompts, and allow deletion of characters as well (`allowDelete` must be set to `True`) #### v.1.0.36: Fix an old annoying bug with menus having an incorrect size calculation if the width of the menu was an even number #### v.1.0.35: Adds a few missing docstrings and fixes a bug with the menu function #### v.1.0.34: Adds methods to hide/show the cursor and a menu system #### v.1.0.33: Finally fixes `clear`'s ascii option, and adds windows compatibility to the same #### v.1.0.32 (Breaking change!): BREAKING CHANGE: `input` -> `inputCast` Adds the `makeError` function, and fixes some mypy complaints #### v.1.0.31: Adds the `isMath` function provided by @python660 on Replit Ask #### v.1.0.30: Fix all mypy stub issues #### v.1.0.29: Provide a mypy stub file #### v.1.0.28: Updates `Color` to flush print by default. #### v.1.0.27: Renames many methods, old names are still avalible for backwards compatiblity however. Also, SQL was moved to it's own package entirely. #### v.1.0.26: Adds `remove_prefix` and `remove_suffix`, name mangles internal variables in `sql`, fixes a bug in `console.warn`, adds `__VERSION__`, `__NEW__`, and `__LICENSE__`, adds many aliases for `help()`. #### v.1.0.25: Fix all bugs related to version `1.0.24`'s patch. #### v.1.0.24: Fixes a bug in `sql`'s `addTable` function. #### v.1.0.23: Adds `sql` (class) and all it's functions #### v.1.0.22: Adds `flush_print`. #### v.1.0.21: Adds `bad_cast_message` to `input` and `replit_input`. #### v.1.0.20: Fixes a bug where `replit_input` didn't cast to `cast`. #### v.1.0.19: Updates `replit_input` to call (new) custom `input` that supports type casting under the hood. #### v.1.0.18: Adds Ease Of Use stuff to `bcolors`. #### v.1.0.17: Adds `cprint`. #### v.1.0.16: Same as `v.1.0.15`. Should be fixed now. #### v.1.0.15: Same as `v.1.0.14`, but I can't use the same number #### v.1.0.14: Hopefully fixes poetry not showing certain project info. #### v.1.0.13: Adds `replit_input` #### v.1.0.12: Description fix for `gp`, add `gh`. #### v.1.0.11: Fix a bug in the `gp` method. #### v.1.0.10: Add the `REPLIT` color to `bcolors`, and add `replit_cursor` to the module. #### v.1.0.9: Small tweaks, nothing major. #### v.1.0.8: Cat install collections. This better fix it. ###### v.1.0.7: Adds `console` (class), `bcolors` (class), and `Color` (function). Fixes type hinting on various things (Lots of thanks to [@bigminiboss](https://pypi.org/user/bigminiboss/)!). #### v.1.0.6: Hopefully, fixes an issue where the package doesn't install it's dependencies (Again. Hopefully.) #### v.1.0.5: Hopefully, fixes an issue where the package doesn't install it's dependencies #### v.1.0.4: Subscript errors #### v.1.0.3: Dependant errors #### v.1.0.2: Random shorthand (literally) #### v.1.0.1: Added animated typing function, sleep shorthand #### v.1.0.0: Initial Release!