
Namespaces are meant to avoid name collisions. You may specify a namespace during the creation of a key. Its recommend use the domain of the application as namespace to avoid collision with other websites.
If the namespace is not specified the key is assigned to the default namespace. If your key resides in the default namespace you don't need to specify it.


All requests support cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) and SSL.
You can use JSONP sending the callback parameter. JSONP requests will never fail, they will include the HTTP code in the response.
Also a 1x1 GIF image is supported sending ?img.

Base API path: https://api.countapi.xyz

In the case of a server failure, the API will send:

⇒ 500 { "error": "Error description" }


Get the value of a key. Optionally specify the namespace.

⇒ 200 { "value": 42 }

⇒ 200 { "value": 24 }
⇒ 404 { "value": null }


Set the value of a key. Optionally specify the namespace. The key must be created with enable_reset set to 1 (true).

This endpoint will return the previous value before the assignation.

⇒ 200 { "old_value": 42, "value": 69 }

⇒ 200 { "old_value": 24, "value": 96 }
⇒ 403 { "old_value": 1234, "value": 1234 }

⇒ 404 { "old_value": null, "value": null }


Updates a key with +/- amount. Optionally specify the namespace. The amount must be within update_lowerbound and update_upperbound specified during the creation of the key.

https://api.countapi.xyz/update/test?amount=5 (value was 42)
⇒ 200 { "value": 47 }

https://api.countapi.xyz/update/mysite.com/test?amount=-7 (value was 53)
⇒ 200 { "value": 46 }
https://api.countapi.xyz/update/outofrange?amount=3 (value was 47, update_upperbound=2)
⇒ 403 { "value": 47 }

⇒ 404 { "value": null }


An easier way to track incrementing by one keys. This endpoint will create a key if it doesn't exists and increment it by one on each subsequent request. Optionally specify a namespace.
The key created has the following properties:

Effectively making the key only incrementable by one.

https://api.countapi.xyz/hit/mysite.com/visits (value was 35)
⇒ 200 { "value": 36 }

https://api.countapi.xyz/hit/nonexisting (key is created)
⇒ 200 { "value": 1 }


Creates a key.
All parameters are optional

name default description
key New UUID Name of the key
namespace default Namespace to store the key
value 0 The initial value stored
enable_reset 0 Allows the key to be resetted with /set
update_lowerbound -1 Restrict update to not subtract more than this number. This number must be negative or zero.
update_upperbound 1 Restrict update to not add more than this number. This number must be positive or zero.
Note about expiration: Every time a key is updated its expiration is set to 6 months. So don't worry, if you still using it, it won't expire.
Keys and namespaces must have at least 3 characters and less or equal to 64. Keys and namespaces must match: ^[A-Za-z0-9_\-.]{3,64}$
⇒ 200 {"namespace":"default", "key":"6d5891ff-ebda-48fb-a760-8549d6a3bf3a", "value":0}

⇒ 200 {"namespace":"mysite.com", "key":"33606dbe-4800-4228-b042-5c0fb8ec8f08", "value":42}

⇒ 200 { "namespace": "default", "key":"counter", "value": 0 }
https://api.countapi.xyz/create?name=alreadycreated (the key already existed)
⇒ 409 { "namespace": null, "key": null, "value": null }


Get information about a key. Optionally specify the namespace.

⇒ 200 {
    "namespace": "default",
    "key": "test",
    "ttl": 321,
    "value": 42,
    "enable_reset": false,
    "update_upperbound": 1,
    "update_lowerbound": 1
⇒ 404 {
    "namespace": null,
    "key": null,
    "ttl": null,
    "value": null,
    "enable_reset": null,
    "update_upperbound": null,
    "update_lowerbound": null


Get some CountAPI stats

⇒ 200 {
    "keys_created": ...,
    "keys_updated": ...,
    "requests": ...,
    "version": "..."