from firepup650 import clear, randint, sql, e, menu, gp, gh, cur, flushPrint, randint import random as r from fkeycapture import get, getnum, getchars import os, time, sys, re from time import sleep db = sql("dev-database.db") alphanum = list("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789") def multipleOf(num: int, mult: int = 5) -> bool: return num % mult == 0 cur.hide() clear() print("Loading Loge City v 0.0.1...") sleep(1) flushPrint("Checking system compatibility...") sleep(1) print(" \aOK.") sleep(1) flushPrint("Checking data...") sleep(1) print(" \aOK.") sleep(1) print("Loaded successfully") print("Starting...") sleep(2) log = menu( {"Yes": 1, "No": 0, "Exit": "E"}, "Welcome to the city!\nDo you have an existing account?", ) clear() un = "" if log == "E": exit(0) if log: print("Login") print("Username: ", end="") un = gp(5, alphanum, allowDelete=True) print("Password: ", end="") pw = gh(5, alphanum, allowDelete=True) uData = db.get(un) if not uData: print("Sorry, that username is not recognized.") e(3) elif pw != uData["password"]: print("Incorrect password") e(2) else: print("Logged in.") else: print("Signup") print("Username (alphanumeric): ", end="") un = gp(5, alphanum, allowDelete=True) print("Password (alphanumeric):", end="") pw = gh(5, alphanum, allowDelete=True) uData = db.get(un) if uData: print("Sorry, that username is already registered, please log in instead.") e(4) else: db.set( un, { "password": pw, "permissionLevel": 10, "logins": 0, "vehicles": [], "houseLevel": 0, "energyTanks": 0, "studsGained": 0, "studsLost": 0, "highestStuds": 20, "studs": 20, "debug": False, "o": 0, # I have no clue what this is supposed to be, doesn't seem to be used in the original doc? "racScore": 0, "richScore": 0, }, ) print("Account created successfully!") sleep(1) clear() uData = db.get(un) uData["logins"] += 1 if uData["logins"] == 1: print(f"Welcome {un}, to Loge City!") else: print(f"Welcome back to Loge City {un}.") sleep(2) while 1: go = menu( { "Stats": 1, "Gamble": 2, "Research": 3, "Vehicle Shop": 4, "Rare Parts Shop": 5, "Energy Tank Shop": 6, "Resturant": 7, "Fix my save data": 8, "[DEBUG]": "D", "Exit": "E", }, "What would you like to do?", ) clear() match go: case 1: print( f"""Stats: Studs: Current: {uData["studs"]} All-time Highest: {uData["highestStuds"]} All-time Losses: {uData["studsLost"]} All-time Gains: {uData["studsGained"]} Vehicles: {uData["vehicles"]} House Level: {uData["houseLevel"]} Energy Tanks: {uData["energyTanks"]} Misc: Raccoon Score: {uData["racScore"]} Rich: {uData["richScore"]}""" ) if uData["debug"] or uData["permissionLevel"] >= 50: print( f"""Debug Stats: Bebug bit: {uData["debug"]} Permission Level: {uData["permissionLevel"]} Idk what o is: {uData["o"]}""" ) print("Press any key to exit") get() case 2: print("Calculating avaliable bets, this shouldn't take long...") bets = {str(i): i for i in range(5, min(uData["studs"], 50000000), 5)} bets["Exit"] = "E" bet = menu(bets, "How many studs would you like to bet?") betHigh = 0 if type(bet) != int else bet winnings = 0 betLow = -2 * bet if betHigh else 0 while betHigh: winnings = randint(betLow, betHigh) if multipleOf(winnings): break if betHigh: if uData["studs"] >= abs(betLow): uData["studs"] += winnings # And this is the end of the old code docs... (basically, this part is modified however) if winnings == 0: print("You won nothing. (You kept your bet though)") elif winnings == betLow: print("You lost your bet!") uData["studsLost"] += abs(winnings) elif winnings >= 0: print(f"You won {winnings} studs!") uData["studsGained"] += winnings elif winnings <= 0: print(f"You lost {abs(winnings)} studs!") uData["studsLost"] += abs(winnings) else: print("This should be impossible. Cue the panic attacks.") else: print("You don't have enough studs to bet that much.") sleep(5) case 3: print("TODO: Research Menu") sleep(1) case 4: sel = menu( { "A bike (20 studs)": 20, "A 4-wheeler (50 studs)": 50, "An old rusty little car (100 studs)": 100, "A car (200 studs)": 200, "A minivan (500 studs)": 500, "A van (750 studs)": 750, "A truck (1k studs)": 1000, "A food truck (2k studs)": 2000, "A semi-truck (5k studs)": 5000, "A hover bike (10k studs)": 10000, "A hover car (20k studs)": 20000, "A hover truck (50k studs)": 50000, "A hover semi-truck (100k studs)": 100000, "A pod racer (500k studs)": 500000, "A rocketship (1m studs)": 1000000, "A spaceship (5m studs)": 5000000, "A teleporter (10m studs)": 10000000, }, "Welcome to the Vehicle Shop, please make a selection", ) sleep(1) case 5: print("TODO: Rare Parts Shop") sleep(1) case 6: price1 = 10 + (5 * uData["energyTanks"]) price5 = 0 for i in range(5): price5 += 10 + (5 * (uData["energyTanks"] + i)) print(price5) price10 = 0 for i in range(10): price10 += 10 + (5 * (uData["energyTanks"] + i)) count = menu( { f"1 ({price1} studs)": 1, f"5 ({price5} studs)": 5, f"10 ({price10} studs)": 10, "Exit": "E", }, "How many energy tanks do you want?", ) match count: case 1: if price1 <= uData["studs"]: uData["studs"] -= price1 uData["studsLost"] += price1 uData["energyTanks"] += 1 print("You bought a single energy tank!") else: print("You're too poor to buy a single energy tank.") sleep(2) case 5: if price5 <= uData["studs"]: uData["studs"] -= price5 uData["studsLost"] += price5 uData["energyTanks"] += 5 print("You bought 5 energy tanks!") else: print("You're too poor to buy 5 energy tanks.") sleep(2) case 10: if price10 <= uData["studs"]: uData["studs"] -= price10 uData["studsLost"] += price10 uData["energyTanks"] += 10 print("You bought 10 energy tanks!") else: print("You're too poor to buy 10 energy tanks.") sleep(2) case "E": pass case _: print("Firepup forgot to add a menu option, smh.") sleep(2) case 7: sel = menu( { "Pizza (5 studs)": 1, "Drink (10 studs)": 2, "Box of Tacos (20 studs)": 3, "Box of doughnuts (50 studs)": 4, "Trash (What are you, a raccoon? We're not even supposed to sell this...) (200 studs)": 5, "Money (Excuse me?) (500 studs)": 6, "Oh actually I don't want to eat anything I just want to waste money (1000 studs)": 7, "Pure gold pizza (5000 studs)": 8, "Liquid Gold (10000 studs)": 9, "Box of golden tacos (20000 studs)": 10, "Box of golden doughnuts (50000 studs)": 11, "Golden trash (I... why do we even sell this.) (200000 studs)": 12, "5 cubic meters of gold (...You know there's better uses of your money right?) (500000 studs)": 13, "I REALLY want to waste money (1 million studs)": 14, "Exit": 0, }, "What would you like to order?", ) thing, price, message, weird = ("Nothing", 0, "You bought nothing", True) match sel: case 1: thing, price, message, weird = ("a pizza", 5, "delicious!", False) case 2: match randint(0, 9): case 0: thing = "a can of strawberry fanta" case 1: thing = "a can of liquid death" case 2: thing = "a can of water" case 3: thing = "a can of generic soda" case 4: thing = 'a can of "fresh spring" water' case 5: thing = "a paper cup of tap water" case 6: thing = "a can of motor oil" case 7: thing = "a can of rehyderated water" case 8: thing = "a can of blueberry" case 9: thing = "a can of rain water" price, message, weird = ( 10, "tastes just like you remember it!", False, ) case 3: thing, price, message, weird = ( "a box of tacos", 20, "there was a good amount of variety in that!", False, ) case 4: thing, price, message, weird = ( "a box of doughnuts", 50, "you can tell you're gonna reget all that sugar later.", False, ) case 5: thing, price, message, weird = ( " trash", 200, ( "You... eat the trash? (+1 raccoon score)" if uData["racScore"] < 10 else "You eagerly consume the trash pile! (+1 raccoon score)" ), True, ) uData["racScore"] += 1 case 6: thing, price, message, weird = ( " money", 500, "You literally just eat money. Disgusting.", True, ) case 7: thing, price, message, weird = ( 'a "tip"', 1000, 'You just give the cashier 1000 studs as a "tip". (+1 rich)', True, ) uData["richScore"] += 1 case 8: thing, price, message, weird = ( "a golden pizza", 5000, "You add the golden pizza to your home. You can't eat it after all. (+1 rich)", True, ) uData["richScore"] += 1 case 9: thing, price, message, weird = ( "liquid gold", 10000, "You chug the liquid gold. You are in severe pain for at least 20 minutes. (+1 rich)", True, ) uData["richScore"] += 1 case 10: thing, price, message, weird = ( "golden tacos", 20000, "You add the golden tacos to your home. The box was too poor for them. (+1 rich)", True, ) uData["richScore"] += 1 case 11: thing, price, message, weird = ( "golden doughnuts", 50000, "You add the golden doughtnuts to your home. Very sophisticated! (+1 rich)", True, ) uData["richScore"] += 1 case 12: thing, price, message, weird = ( "golden trash", 200000, ( "You... eat... GOLDEN TRASH. What is worng with you? (+1 rich, +1 raccoon)" if uData["racScore"] < 10 else "You eagerly consume the golden trash pile! (+1 rich, +1 raccoon)" ), True, ) uData["richScore"] += 1 uData["racScore"] += 1 case 13: thing, price, message, weird = ( "5 cubic meters of gold", 500000, "You EAT 5 cubic meters of gold. I don't even know how you managed that. (+5 rich)", True, ) uData["richScore"] += 5 case 14: thing, price, message, weird = ( 'a hefty "tip"', 1000000, 'You "tip" the cashier a million studs. That\'s just not a tip man. (+5 rich)', True, ) case _: print("Firepup forgot to add a menu option, smh.") sleep(5) if price <= uData["studs"]: uData["studs"] -= price uData["studsLost"] += price if not weird: print( f"You {'eat' if sel!=2 else 'drink'} your {thing[2:]}... {message}" ) else: print(message) else: print(f"You're too poor to buy {thing} right now.") sleep(2) case 8: migrations = { "permissionLevel": 10, "logins": 0, "vehicles": [], "houseLevel": 0, "energyTanks": 0, "studsGained": 0, "studsLost": 0, "highestStuds": 20, "studs": 20, "debug": False, "o": 0, "racScore": 0, "richScore": 0, } fixed = False for key in migrations: if key not in uData: fixed = True print( f'Found missing save data key "{key}"! Resetting to default value...' ) uData[key] = migrations[key] print( "Your save data has been fixed!" if fixed else "There was nothing I could find that was wrong with your save data!" ) sleep(2) case "E": exit(0) case "D": if uData["debug"]: deb = menu( { "Dump User Data": 1, "Reset Studs": 2, "Full data reset": 3, "Exit": "E", }, "[DEBUG MENU]", ) match deb: case 1: print("User Data dump: {") for k in uData: print(f' "{k}": {str(uData[k])}') print("}") case 2: uData["studs"] = 20 uData["studsLost"] = 0 uData["studsGained"] = 0 uData["highestStuds"] = 20 print("Studs (and related stats) have been reset.") case 3: uData["studs"] = 20 uData["studsLost"] = 0 uData["studsGained"] = 0 uData["highestStuds"] = 20 uData["vehicles"] = {} uData["energyTanks"] = 0 uData["logins"] = 0 uData["houseLevel"] = 0 uData["o"] = 0 uData["racScore"] = 0 uData["richScore"] = 0 print("User data has been reset.") case "E": print("SLEEP 5") case _: print( "Firepup forgot to implement a debug menu option\nSLEEP 10" ) sleep(5) sleep(5) else: print("Operation not permitted") sleep(5) case _: print("Invalid option, this should have been impossible.") sleep(60) clear() if uData["studs"] > uData["highestStuds"]: uData["highestStuds"] = uData["studs"] db.set( un, uData ) # Update user data after each loop so it actually saves changes to the data