diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index e69de29..9467738 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +# Python-talk (working name) + +## A few quick notes: + +Hello! Thanks for taking the tine to look at my little chat program! + +Since the client for this isn't done yet, you'll need to use other tools to connect to the server (such as `nc`). + +If you'd like to run your own server instance, that's great! I encourage you to do so! + +The packages from pyproject.toml will only be required in the future by the client, not the server! This means you need nothing but python 3 (.11? might be .12) and the code to be able to run a server. + +## Arguments: + +The server accepts a good chunk of args to be passed when it boots, for various control options. However, none are required! You can just run it as-is, and it'll work just fine. + +Valid args: +|Argument(s)|Function| +|-|-| +|`-?`/`-h`/`--help`|Shows the help for CLI args, much like the list here, but less verbose| +|`-l`/`--no-logs`|Disables the server saving logs when it shuts down. This does *NOT* disable logging to console.| +|`-c`/`--no-cache`|The server always tries to load cached messages on boot, this way however it will dump those before the server starts serving to clients| +|`-p=`/`--port=`|Specifies the port for the server to run on, defaults to `65048`.| +|`--address=`|Specifies what address to listen on, defaults to `` (all addresses)| +|`--hostname=`|Sets the hostname for the server to use when communicating with other servers, defaults to the hostname of the system that it is run on.| +|`--link=:`|Establishes a S2S link with `` on port `` when the server is finsihed booting, e.g. `--link=example.com:29277`. This is the only argument may be specified multiple times to establish multiple server links.| + +For any arg besides `--link`, if specified multiple times, the last time it is specified takes priority over earlier specifications. + +## Commands: + +When connected to the server, there are a few availiable commands as well! These are as follows: +|Command(s)|Function| +|-|-| +|`/h`/`/help`|Shows an in-"client" listing of valid commands| +|`/me `|Sends a message as if you did an action, e.g. "* Firepup ate some fire"| +|`/mes `|Sends a message as if your `` did an action, e.g. "* Firepup's cat laid on the couch"| +|`/afk [reason]`|States that the user is AFK Accepts an optional reason. e.g. "* Firepup is afk to [reason]" or "* Firepup is afk"| +|`/back`|(Companion to `/afk`) States that the user is back. e.g. "* Firepup is back"| +|`/quit`|Causes the server to terminate your connection.| + +## Future Plans: + +1. Stress-test the server, get bug reports and fix them, to get the server as stable as possible. +2. IRC client support. This will probably require at least a few major changes, but it'd be a nice thing to support. +3. Stress-test IRC support. +4. Figure out a better name for this program. It's very vague right now. +5. (Wow this is low on my priority list) Make an actual client to go along with the server, not everyone is willing to run random commands to link to a random server. +6. Stress-test the client program. +7. Somehow bundle the client as a stand-alone released executable, for linux and windows, to make it easier to connect to servers! +8. Dunno! We'll see where the future takes me. + +This is, of course, subject to change at any time, but it's my current rough plan for the future of this code. + +## How to (in current state) run the code: + +This is, of course, not the only way to get and run the code, but this is how I personally recommend doing it: +1. `git clone https://git.h.hackclub.app/Firepup650/python-talk.git` +2. `cd python-talk` +3. `python3 server.py [args, if any]` +4. Done! You've got the server up and running! + +The current "client" for the server is just netcat (`nc`), and you can connect to the server with `nc `, for example, if you had a server running on `example.com` on the standard port, you'd run `nc example.com 65048`. + +## Closing thoughts: + +Feel free to suggest anything you'd like to see implemented into this little project of mine, and PRs are even more welcome/appreciated! + +If you'd like to link up with what I'm currently considering the "hub" instance, let me know directly! I'm always happy to have a bigger network! ;) + +Found a bug? Reach out to me, or file it in a new issue here (or work on it yourself, and PR it ;P) and I'll get around to reviewing and fixing fairly quickly, hopefullh.