from dotenv import load_dotenv from os import environ as env from requests import request from ast import literal_eval as litEval # Try to load cache print("[[ Info ]] Trying to load installed versions from cache...") knownVersions = {} try: from cache import knownVersions print(f"[[ Info ]] Loaded {len(knownVersions)} installed versions from cache...") except ImportError: # Fallback to just a warning print("""[[ Warn ]] Failed to load versions from cache [[ Warn ]] If this is not your first time running this script, it's recommended you investigate why.""") load_dotenv() hangarPlugins = { # "slug-of-plugin": {"Channel": "channel-to-pull", "Version": 'version-to-pull or "latest"'} } spigotPlugins = { # "resource-id-of-plugin": {"Version": 'version-id-to-pull or "latest"', "Name": "Friendly name used for local downloads of the plugin"} } geyser = True floodgate = True if hangarPlugins and not env.get("HANGAR_KEY", ""): print( """!! Notice !! This script cannot download hangar plugins without a hangar api key! !! Notice !! Please signup for an account at !! Notice !! Then generate an api key with the "view_public_info" permission at !! Notice !! Since there's no hangar api key, the defined list of hangar plugins will be COMPLETELY IGNORED on this run.""" ) hangarPlugins = {} if hangarPlugins: for plugin in hangarPlugins: version = hangarPlugins[plugin]["Version"] if version == "latest": version = request("GET", f"{plugin}/latest?channel={channel}").text if not knownVersions.get(plugin, "") or knownVersions[plugin] != version: # download update knownVersions[plugin] = version if spigotPlugins: for plugin in spigotPlugins: version = spigotPlugins[plugin]["Version"] if version == "latest": version = litEval(request("GET", f"{plugin}/versions/latest").text)["id"] if not knownVersions.get(plugin, "") or knownVersions[plugin] != version: # download update knownVersions[plugin] = version if geyser: # download ... if floodgate: # download ... # write cache file