from os import path, remove from requests import request from ast import literal_eval as litEval from time import sleep # Try to load cache print("[[ Info ]] Trying to load installed versions from cache...") knownVersions = {} try: from cache import knownVersions print(f"[[ Info ]] Loaded {len(knownVersions)} installed versions from cache...") except ImportError: # Fallback to just a warning print( """|| Warn || Failed to load versions from cache || Warn || If this is not your first time running this script, it's recommended you investigate why.""" ) hangarPlugins: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = { # "slug-of-plugin": {"Channel": "channel-to-pull", "Version": 'version-to-pull or "latest"'} "ViaBackwards": {"Channel": "Snapshot", "Version": "latest"}, } spigotPlugins: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = { # "resource-id-of-plugin": {"Version": 'version-id-to-pull or "latest"', "Name": "Friendly name used for local downloads of the plugin"} "96927": {"Version": "latest", "Name": "DecentHolograms"}, } # MOTE: I *want* to add modrinth here, but I can't figure out how to get the latest version of a project # Also it'd be a pain to have *more* checks because modrinth also serves client-side mods geyser = True floodgate = True if hangarPlugins: print("[[ Info ]] Checking for updates in plugins from hangar") for plugin in hangarPlugins: print(f"[[ Info ]] Checking for updates for plugin {plugin}") version = hangarPlugins[plugin]["Version"] if version == "latest": version = request( "GET", f"{plugin}/latest?channel={hangarPlugins[plugin]['Channel']}", ).text print( f"?? DBUG ?? Latest version of {plugin} detected to be {version}, currently installed is {knownVersions[plugin] if knownVersions.get(plugin, False) else 'N/A'}" ) if not knownVersions.get(plugin, "") or knownVersions[plugin] != version: # download update print(f"[[ Info ]] Updating plugin {plugin}") with open(f"plugins/{plugin}-hangar-{version}.jar", "wb") as f: f.write( request( "GET", f"{plugin}/versions/{version}/PAPER/download", ).content ) if knownVersions.get(plugin, "") and path.exists( f"plugins/{plugin}-hangar-{knownVersions.get(plugin, '')}.jar" ): remove(f"plugins/{plugin}-hangar-{knownVersions.get(plugin, '')}.jar") print( f"[[ Info ]] Updated plugin {plugin} from {knownVersions[plugin] if knownVersions.get(plugin, False) else 'N/A'} to {version}" ) knownVersions[plugin] = version else: print(f"[[ Info ]] No updates available for {plugin}.") if spigotPlugins: print("[[ Info ]] Checking for updates in plugins from spigot") for plugin in spigotPlugins: pluginName = spigotPlugins[plugin]["Name"] print(f"[[ Info ]] Checking for updates for plugin {pluginName}") version = spigotPlugins[plugin]["Version"] if version == "latest": version = litEval( request( "GET", f"{plugin}/versions/latest", ).text )["id"] print( f"?? DBUG ?? Latest version of {pluginName}({plugin}) detected to be {version}, currently installed is {knownVersions[plugin] if knownVersions.get(plugin, False) else 'N/A'}" ) if not knownVersions.get(plugin, "") or knownVersions[plugin] != version: r = request( "GET", f"{plugin}/versions/{version}/download/proxy", allow_redirects=True, ) while r.status_code == 429: print("|| Warn || Spiget has ratelimited me, waiting 1s") sleep(1) r = request( "GET", f"{plugin}/versions/{version}/download/proxy", allow_redirects=True, ) if r.content == b"": print( f""" !! Notice !! For whatever reason, {pluginName} is not available through the download proxy API. !! Notice !! The plugin download should be at{plugin}/versions/{version}/download !! Notice !! I apologize for not being able to get this plugin on my own, but there's nothing I can do here. !! Notice !! I will mark this plugin's version as 'NULL-{version}' !! Notice !! Which will allow you to see if this plugin needs updates on later script runs by comparing the two NULL versions. """ ) version = f"NULL-{version}" else: with open(f"plugins/{pluginName}-spigot-{version}.jar", "wb") as f: f.write(r.content) if knownVersions.get(plugin, "") and path.exists( f"plugins/{pluginName}-spigot-{knownVersions.get(plugin, '')}.jar" ): remove( f"plugins/{pluginName}-spigot-{knownVersions.get(plugin, '')}.jar" ) print( f"[[ Info ]] Updated plugin {pluginName} from {knownVersions[plugin] if knownVersions.get(plugin, False) else 'N/A'} to {version}" ) knownVersions[plugin] = version if geyser: print( """[[ Info ]] Updating geyser even if there isn't an update availiable [[ Info ]] Because my author is too lazy to implement proper update checking just for geyser and floodgate""" ) with open("plugins/Geyser-Spigot.jar", "wb") as f: f.write( request( "GET", "", ).content ) if floodgate: print( """[[ Info ]] Updating floodgate even if there isn't an update availiable [[ Info ]] Because my author is too lazy to implement proper update checking just for geyser and floodgate""" ) with open("plugins/floodgate.jar", "wb") as f: f.write( request( "GET", "", ).content ) # write cache file with open("", "w") as f: f.write(f"knownVersions={knownVersions}") print("[[ Info ]] Updates complete!")